Ethical Dairy Laganory
This cheese is handmade using vegetarian rennet and raw, organic milk from The Ethical Dairy's cow with calf dairy farm, and is ripened for 2-6 months.
The intensification of dairy farming has been a concern of The Ethical Dairy's for many years, so they've been working hard to come up with a different solution. Their big idea? A new method of dairy farming that keeps the calves with their mothers to suckle. Their ethical dairy model is based around treating the animals, the land, the environment and the people who work there with respect and kindness.
Feedback from industry experts suggest that The Ethical Dairy has:
- Cut their greenhouse gas emissions by more than half.
- Reduced their energy use by more than half.
- Cut antibiotic use by 90%.
- Cut agro-chemical use by 90%.
- Doubled the productive life of cows.
- Increased their farm biodiversity five-fold.
- Increased the net amount of food in their food system by 80%.
It is a real privilege to be working with a farm that a producing such great cheeses from such a great source.
The Laganory has a fresh, sharp and tangy flavour, and a savoury body. Laganory is a young, hard cheese with a sharp aroma that has pickled notes. It has a texture that is firm with a slight crumble and with age it will become drier and more crumbly.